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by PeterHiett
Sun Feb 16, 2014 7:46 am
Forum: Pastor's Message Board: Peter Hiett
Topic: My theological Journey, in part and so far…
Replies: 0
Views: 8300

My theological Journey, in part and so far…

My theological Journey, in part and so far… I’ve always thought that God was capable of far more than we could comprehend. And the older I got, and the more suffering I encountered, the more I sincerely hoped that God was 100% Love and so whatever He did, was a function of Grace. And yet, ~ I’d bee...
by PeterHiett
Sun Feb 02, 2014 9:18 am
Forum: Church In Your Jammies
Topic: Just A Word
Replies: 0
Views: 1027

Just A Word

by PeterHiett
Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:15 am
Forum: Pastor's Message Board: Peter Hiett
Topic: Heavenly Rewards
Replies: 0
Views: 1217

Heavenly Rewards

Heavenly Rewards One evening after a particularly difficult day with my two little sisters, my father pulled me aside. He looked me in the eye and said, “Peter, it’s important that you learn to be nice to girls, because one day you’ll be old enough to marry a girl. And if you marry a girl, you’ll g...
by PeterHiett
Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:20 pm
Forum: Pastor's Message Board: Peter Hiett
Topic: Gospel: The Best and Most Terrifying News
Replies: 0
Views: 1048

Gospel: The Best and Most Terrifying News

Gospel: The Best and Most Terrifying News [/size] Several Years ago Fred Craddock was returning from vacation in the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee. Together with his wife, he stopped at a favorite little country café called the Blackberry Inn. They hoped to savor the last few moments of their roman...
by PeterHiett
Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:20 am
Forum: Pastor's Message Board: Peter Hiett
Topic: You Are Worse Than You thought...
Replies: 0
Views: 1097

You Are Worse Than You thought...

You are worse than you thought... and far better than you ever imagined. In the early sixties one of the chief architects of the Nazi holocaust was brought to trial in Israel. Chuck Colson tells the story in his book, The Body. The prosecutors had gathered a group of concentration camp survivors to...
by PeterHiett
Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:22 am
Forum: Pastor's Message Board: Peter Hiett
Topic: Note from Peter
Replies: 0
Views: 993

Note from Peter

Note from Peter July 20, 2012 Dear Sanctuary, I'm shocked and saddened by the news from Aurora this morning. Shocked, but I shouldn't be too shocked, Jesus told us this would happen. Saddened, but not without hope. In fact, it's in these places of such shocking evil and deepest sorrow that the glory...
by PeterHiett
Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:47 am
Forum: Pastor's Message Board: Peter Hiett
Topic: How God "Feels" About You
Replies: 0
Views: 971

How God "Feels" About You

How God “Feels” About You Have you ever wondered, “How does God feel about me? Does God just tolerate me? Is God angry at me? Does God Love me?” At times I’ve figured, “Of course He loves me. He has to. It’s like some sort of philosophically ma...
by PeterHiett
Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:16 pm
Forum: Pastor's Message Board: Peter Hiett
Topic: What's Your Problem?!
Replies: 0
Views: 1072

What's Your Problem?!

What’s Your Problem?! “What’s my problem?” Have you ever wondered that? I want to do what’s right, and don’t… and if I do do what’s right, I feel like doodoo—constantly questioning if it was right or why I would feel wrong about doing right, wondering if it was right and perhaps, I’m wrong? And it’...
by PeterHiett
Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:11 am
Forum: Pastor's Message Board: Peter Hiett
Topic: Easter In The Worst Of All Places
Replies: 1
Views: 1140

Easter In The Worst Of All Places

Easter in the Worst of All Places It’s almost Easter—lilies, candy eggs, cute-talking rabbits and if you’re like me… going to church and singing. Do you feel like singing? I hope so. But sometimes, it’s hard to sing about Heaven when you feel like Hell. I doubt there’s any singing in Hell. I vaguely...

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