Note from Peter

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Note from Peter

Post by PeterHiett »

Note from Peter
July 20, 2012

Dear Sanctuary,

I'm shocked and saddened by the news from Aurora this morning. Shocked, but I shouldn't be too shocked, Jesus told us this would happen. Saddened, but not without hope. In fact, it's in these places of such shocking evil and deepest sorrow that the glory of God in Christ Jesus is revealed. It's at the very spot where the most evil of all murders was committed, that God reveals the greatest good. That place is a cross.

At times like this I'm reminded of what Julian of Norwich claims to have heard from the Lord in her famous vision. She heard him say: 'Since I have turned the greatest possible harm into good, it is my will that you should know from this that I shall turn all lesser evil into good.'

Let's weep with our friends in Aurora and hope in our Lord. Let's pray that the world would see that Jesus suffered and died in Aurora and that Jesus doesn't stay dead, but rises as Faith, Hope and Love in us and the world around us. This weekend we'll gather and remember that—it's the same thing we always gather to remember: That Life conquered death, Light conquered darkness, Faith conquered fear, Hope conquered despair and Love conquered hate at the cross of Jesus Christ our Lord.

God Bless You,
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